Maps International Blog & Map Ideas

Maps International Blog & Map Ideas2022-05-26T14:23:55+00:00
  • Scratch the world travel edition map print image

    Father’s Day Gifts 2022

    Leading online wall map retailer, Maps International has a range of unique map gifts suited to father figures, whatever their interests. Backed by 50 years of cartographic expertise, Maps International creates beautifully designed wall maps [...]

  • Collect and Scratch Great British Outdoors print

    Our incredible Summer Map Sale is Here

    For the first time in a very long time, we may well have reason to be optimistic about this summer! Delta variants and red list countries aside, for the most part, there seems to be [...]

  • Scratch Off UK Cycle Climbs image detail

    Your Outdoors Activity Checklist (Part 1) – what to do as restrictions ease in April

    Can you smell it in the air, that first taste of freedom after the longest lockdown imaginable? After a difficult winter period, we're all itching to get outside more, engage with more people than the [...]

Our Valentine’s Day Map Gift Guide is Here!

January 27, 2021|Categories: Mapping Product, Occasions|Tags: , , , |

In the best of times, Valentine's Day shopping is the eternal challenge for anyone, whether they're single or not. If you have a partner, then depending on what stage your relationship is in, you're constantly [...]

Reasons why Scottish Island Bagging should be your next Personal Adventure

November 9, 2020|Categories: Mapping Product, Places in the UK, Scratch Prints|

On the surface, when you think about Scottish Island Bagging, you may feel that it's one of those jaunts that's for a very specific type of individual, that craves adrenaline-fueled journeys. Where you battle your [...]

Our Collect and Scratch Prints collection just got Larger!

October 28, 2020|Categories: Christmas, Mapping Product, Scratch Prints|

As a shopper during Christmas season, keeping everyone's different likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests and general mood in front of mind can be a challenge on the best of days. Throw into that mess [...]

Scratch Print activities you can still enjoy in ‘Lockdown’

October 14, 2020|Categories: Places in the UK, Scratch Prints|Tags: , |

As autumn turns to winter, we would normally begin to plan the kind of exciting activities that go hand in hand with the cold seasons. From meet ups at coffee shops for some hot choc, [...]

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